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Indiana Tests if the Heartland Can Transform Into a Chip Hub

Over the past 14 months, Indiana began converting 10,000 acres of corn and bean fields into an innovation park. State leaders met with the chief executives of semiconductor giants in […]

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Big Tech Rebounds and Preps for Transformative A.I. Investments

A year ago, the tech industry’s prospects looked bleak. Google’s profit dropped. Shares of Facebook’s parent company, Meta, were in free fall. Business growth at Amazon had slowed to its […]

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TSMC Chairman Mark Liu Says Company Will Keep Its Roots in Taiwan

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, which is manufacturing the world’s most advanced microchips, conducts business on the island of Taiwan, dead center in one of the most geopolitically volatile places on […]

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The Chip Titan Whose Life’s Work Is at the Center of a Tech Cold War

In a wood-paneled office overlooking Taipei and the jungle-covered mountains that surround the Taiwanese capital, Morris Chang recently pulled out an old book stamped with technicolor patterns.It was titled “Introduction […]

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By Rebranding Twitter as X, Elon Musk Creates Social Media Confusion

With a simple name change, Elon Musk has created confusion in social media.The bewilderment stems from Mr. Musk’s move last month to rebrand Twitter, which he owns, as X. No […]

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When A.I. Lies About You, There’s Little Recourse

Marietje Schaake’s résumé is full of notable roles: Dutch politician who served for a decade in the European Parliament, international policy director at Stanford University’s Cyber Policy Center, adviser to […]

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Uber Posts 14% Rise in Revenue as Growth Slows

Uber’s revenue increased 14 percent in its most recent quarter, the company reported on Tuesday, but the growth was its slowest since the coronavirus pandemic began easing last year.The San […]

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Twitter Threatens to Sue Center for Countering Digital Hate Over Research

Elon Musk has over the last year threatened legal action against tech competitors, employees and people who use Twitter, which he owns. Now he is also taking aim at an […]

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An Internet Veteran’s Guide to Not Being Scared of Technology

How could they protect themselves from A.I.?That was the question that Mike Masnick found himself fielding this summer in a WhatsApp chat with about 100 directors, actors and screenwriters. The […]

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Researchers Poke Holes in Safety Controls of ChatGPT and Other Chatbots

When artificial intelligence companies build online chatbots, like ChatGPT, Claude and Google Bard, they spend months adding guardrails that are supposed to prevent their systems from generating hate speech, disinformation […]