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Reimagining Industry Growth: Strategic Partnership Strategies in an Era of Uncertainty | Dan Varroney

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Welcoming Dan Varroney, the President and CEO of Potomac Core, at the 2022 Leading Entrepreneurs of the World Conference, on the topic:
Reimagining Industry Growth: Strategic Partnership Strategies in an Era of Uncertainty

About Dan Varroney:

Dan Varroney is founder of Potomac Core, the northern Virginia strategic consulting firm that specializes in association transformation. He has built on his own successful career as an association executive, leading groups with diverse focus, from manufacturing to high tech to finance and advocacy.

He became a sought-after expert on economic performance with appearances on CNBC, Fox, Dow Jones Marketwatch, Bloomberg, and the BBC. His deep understanding of policy and regulatory influence on industries has shaped his approach to organizational relevance and growth.

Through his own management experience—and nearly a decade advising association clients—Dan has applied his data-driven strategic process to the business and market challenges of trade groups and the companies they represent.

A prolific blog author, he launched and facilitates a group for association CEOs with a focus on systemic growth and member engagement. His unique methodology has grown to include an understanding of the contributing factors of successful professional societies and associations, and the corresponding characteristics of the CEOs who lead them.

About Potomac Core:

Potomac Core is a strategic consultancy that applies research driven strategies to reimagine new growth pathways for Industries and Professions. Founded in 2012 in Arlington, Virginia, we help transform organizations into the important role of real time business solution providers.

Visit Potomac Core:


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